2018년 10월 30일

How To Encourage Your Girlfriend Love Backpacking

Introducing your honey to backpacking? Follow these tips. 

[Image source: Image source: Backpackr]
Women tend to get introduced to backpacking by a spouse or significant other more often than men do. Here's how to make sure she loves the experience.

Women are about four times as likely as men to have started backpacking with a spouse or significant other. If you're considering taking your honey on her first trip, follow this advice to help your girlfriend love backpacking.

1. Be a teacher, not a guide

[Image source: Deamstime.com]

Be on your best, super-considerate behavior to make sure she has a good time. But curb your instinct to do everything for her, lest you deny her the satisfaction of learning new skills and building confidence.

2. Get involved with gear

[Image source: Mountain Crossings at Neel Gap - WordPress.com]

Help her pack and find gear she can borrow as needed. This also screens out random extras; nothing ruins a first trip like a too-heavy load.

3. Pick your spot well

[Image source: Flower Wonder | by Rennett Stowe]

Choose a satisfying destination (lake, waterfall, flower-filled meadow, viewpoint, etc.) with a relatively easy hike in. This is not the time to bag an epic peak. Aim for about half as far as she can confidently dayhike. About 5 miles in is a good rule of thumb.

4. Don’t hog the map and compass

[Image source: Active.com]

It is known that women are six times more likely than men to never take on this chore. But this essential safety skill can be really fun and empowering. Take the time to explain how topo maps work, show her your route ahead of time, then let her carry the map.
5. Plan a mouth-watering menu
[Image source: Sunset Magazine]

Pull out your best back-country cooking skills, buy the fancy snacks, maybe pack in some wine. Also smart: Encourage her to drink plenty of water and snack often.

6. Keep her involved in camp chores

[Image source: Video Blocks]

Teach her to light the camp stove, and have her help you hang the bear bag (42 percent of women never take on that chore in their first year).

7. Don’t take any of it too seriously

Remember, you love each other. Everything else is just scenery.

2018년 10월 23일

겨울 산행 시 필수품 10가지

겨울 캠핑은 여름 캠핑보다 많은 장비와 준비가 필요합니다.

아래 겨울 캠핑이나 백패킹에 있어서 절대 잊어서는 안될 10가지 필수품을 정리해 보았습니다.

10가지 필수품

안전, 생존 그리고 기본적인 편안함을 고려:

1. 네비게이션

  • 지도 (방수 커버 포함)
  • 나침반
  • GPS (선택사항)

2. 자외선 차단

  • 자외선 차단제 (크림)
  • 선글라스

3. 보온

  • 자켓, 조키, 바지, 장갑, 모자, 핫팩

4. 조명

  • 헤드램프 또는 후레쉬 (부품 포함)
  • 여분의 배터리 (비상용)

5. 응급구급약

  • 응급구급함 (비상약품)


  • 성냥 또는 라이터
  • 방수용기
  • 발화기 (비상용)

7. 다용도 칼(도구)

  • 또는 맥가이버칼
  • 방수 테이프

8. 영양제

  • 휴대용 비상식량
  • 영양제

9. 수분섭취

  • 물병 또는 보온병
  • 정수필터 또는 정수가능 장치

10. 비상 대피(은신) 용품

  • 텐트, 타프, 간이천막 또는 반사 담요

물론 밖에도 백팩, 침낭, Snowshoes, 방습포, 호루라기, , 버너, 코펠, 각종 옷가지, 화장지, 망원경, 라디오, 핸드폰, 수저셋트, 지팡이(스틱), 아이젠 등등 기본적으로 팩패킹이나 캠핑에 필요한 수많은 물품 들이 있으니 꼼꼼히 준비해서 안전하고 즐거운 겨울 산행 캠핑이 되시기 바랍니다.